Friday, June 01, 2007

Is This Man Really Right For City?

This is a slightly unusual article in that I've extracted comments someone left on a previous post as it makes interesting reading.

I haven't changed any of the wording and therefore the views expressed are his/hers and not necessarily mine, although some of the issues raised are very well put.

I must admit there is an air of "any port in a storm" with the current Thai takeover, and I do feel slightly uncomfortable with some of the alleged baggage that surrounds Shinawatra, but on the other hand how much different is it from the big Russian money in the game?

That said, I guess the reality is that if this is a genuine offer to acquire the club and inject the funding and supporting infrastructure we need, any skeletons in cupboards will probably not be too rigorously investigated by the Club; the media will have a different view though, but that's what they are there for.

The comments do paint a very bleak picture, probably overly so, but anyway, I'll leave you all to make up your own minds……….

Regarding Thaksin Shinawatra’s Takeover of Manchester City Football Club

1. The Board of Manchester City Football Club
2. London Stock Exchange
3. Manchester City Supporters

How well do you know Thaksin?

- The man was deposed from Thailand’s Premiership under accusations of massive corruptions among other things.
- The man has been under extensive investigation by the Assets Examination Committee which is founded to especially deal with corruption in the previous government.
- Some of the cases under the Assets Examination Committee have already been prosecuted in the court of law.
- The government had already stated that the corruption cases against him are rock-solid and by year’s end there will be decisions.
- Manchester City is a world-renowned football club.
- Manchester City has a long and illustrious history as well as popular followings in the UK and around the world.
- Manchester City is currently listed in the London Stock Exchange.

- If Thaksin is successful in his attempt to takeover Manchester City, there will certainly be investigation by the Thai government concerning where his source of capitals come from. This will increase the chance of convicting him in court.
- If Thaksin is found guilty, it is more than likely that the Thai authority would proceed to file for his assets confiscation.
- Imagine what an uproar the filing for assets confiscation would cause:
o prolong legal battles that lead to court orders of years of impoundment of assets
o repercussion on the previously unblemished image of the club
o negative reactions from the club’s shareholders
o sustained disruptions that would put the club in most uncalled-for predicament and distract it away from putting effort on the football pitch.


Anonymous said...

hes rich so of course hes right for city.

Citehboy said...

Be careful. The AEC is not recognised by many Western governments and is viewed as 'undemocratic' and 'unconstituional'. In my eyes, a military junta in Bangkok has no mandate. None whatsoever.

Bluesology said...

Agreed, but he does nevertheless seem to attract a lot of negative views. I think it's best to wait and see if a formal bid ever materialises. If we don't have one in the next couple of weeks then I suspect it'll never come

Anonymous said...

There are too many party workers, business associates and the like still in Thailand whose own fortunes were and remain closely tied to those of Shinawatra for him ever to retire from politics in that country, even if he wanted to.

Anonymous said...

OK, so what is the alternative? We dont go with him and then what? This is the lifeline we are so desperate for, and you and others want to pick holes on the strenth of a kangeroo court, who take orders from very same corrupt Generals who want to go back to the kind of "buisness as usual" that plagued the country before Mr.Thaskin helped institute the 1st democratically elected government in Thailands history. These same corrupt Generals who profitted from drugs and prostitution, are the ones who staged the illegal Coup in the 1st place, hmmmm, you dont suppose they had a vested interest in the verdict do you? I'd love to get the opinion of the people of Thailand who benifitted greatly from this Mans vision and Moral fiber, I read he is still venerated and held in high regard by the vast majority of of his countrymen. Run a poll of City fans around the world, I garuantee you get an overwhelming vote for Mr. Thaskins takeover be it full or partial. Please STOP with this sanctimonius, overwrought whining. Lets just hope it goes through and soon.

Anonymous said...

Some people are determined to see catastrophe around every corner for City. At the start of every season they see us as dead certs for relegation. At the end of every season, when we've stayed up again, they predict financial ruin and the sale of all our best players. None of this ever quite seems to materialise. What kind of a way to support your club is this, I ask? Now that we have the prospect of a top manager and some financial muscle to compete with the bigger (if not biggest) clubs, it's no great surprise to see articles like this cropping up. From what I've read, this guy did a pretty good job as PM for his people (especially the poor). And since when were military juntas the fountain of all truth and knowledge? I say welcome Thaksin, welcome Claudio, let's get this club back to where the vast majority of City fans want us to be again.

Anonymous said...

Who cares. I love Franky. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a way is it to support your club? This isn't some football manager game where all that matters is points and money and cheat codes. So Bluesology is asking what's in store for the club beyond the money, what's wrong with that? In any case we know next to nothing about the takeover other than Shinawatra has been talking to Wardle amd Makin and has had a peep at the books. We don't know if he's also been speaking with the Boler trust, or Sky or anyone else. We don't know if he intends to pay off any or all of the club's debts, or as has been suggested 'take them over', which is something slightly different.

Anonymous said...

Trust me we are weeks away from a takeover completion.

Bluesology said...

Anonymous 22.30 ..... thanks for that and you're spot on. I'm just asking the question and sharing some other views. Any takeover will have big repercussions for a club, but we do need to understand the impliactions rather than just be blinded by the big dollars.... just look at Hearts!
I've no real problem with Shinawatra taking over, but the fact is we just don't know enough about the detail and besides, let's not forget, he hasn't even made a formal bid yet !!

Anonymous said...

There is a lot more to consider than just money.
I doubt this thai bloke understands the passion of the average fan and i think its perfectly reasonable that his less than perfect past should be looked into. Thats just common sense.
The best thing that can happen is that either ranson comes back in for us or the american interest actually show some interest.

Im starting to get the feeling that a takeover will never come, if any of the concerned parties were serious then surely they would have atleast made a formal proposal.